Turkey Vulture Crash & Golden Eagle Attacks Deer

I'm catching up on emails and blogs since I came home--have you seen Julie Zickefoose's new blog redesign? It's fabu! In the world of Holy Crap links, my buddy Amber told me about a helicopter pilot that was supposed to some filming during the Super Bowl and had a turkey vulture crash through his window and land in his lap. The pilot landed safely (and surprisingly didn't get barfed on) and the vulture flew away before animal control could take it to be checked by vet!

And on an Illinois listserv is a a photo series and story of a golden eagle attacking a white-tailed deer! Golden eagles eat dead here in winter and we've had some reports of young eagle especially attacking young deer. There's no way a golden is going to fly off with a deer but attacking and following a weak deer is not out of the realm of possibility. That would be food for a few days.

Also, I put out a request for birds before I left on my blog and on my Facebook page. People gave me a list of birds or mammals they wanted me to try and document while I was in Central America. I got quite a few, but not all. You can check it out here